The One "Thing" TO RULE THEM ALL!?!
If you don't understand the title of this blog, its a play on a hilarious flash parody on the Lord of the Rings. The reason for this

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If you don't understand the title of this blog, its a play on a hilarious flash parody on the Lord of the Rings. The reason for this
Well I first heard about this from by dearly beloved TWiT podcast, and what a story it is. If you want to read about it yourself here is the link to The Register where the story was published. The story is about a few people who were exploring with the Google Earth product, and they discovered a piece of land in China that looked like a scale model of a mountainous landscape. Actually it was a scale model of an area between the Indian/Chinese border, that apparently has disputed ownership.
Okay so Israel has outrageously attacked Lebanon this past week, over 2 kidnappings of Israeli soldiers. The death toll in Lebanon has now reached 230, and over 400 other innocent civilians have been wounded so far. In no way does this seem just, invading another nation over an kidnapping/attack that killed a few of your soldiers and your nation goes out and kills more innocent people (Well we've seen something similar from the U.S.'s actions already). As Mahatma Ghandi once said:
"An eye for an eye and the whole world is blind."This is not a blog on the Middle-East conflict (that's a whole another topic, for another blog), this here is to point out the stupidity of our government. The U.S. sided with Israel's invasion of Lebanon, yet forgot to pull out the American citizens, before the air strikes began. Other nations had already evacuated their citizens out of Lebanon, including the French and the Greek. Is our government so lazy that they can only focus on one topic at a time. I mean there is a
Well this is a video (well it is audio with a picture) I put together, then uploaded to youtube, of Senator Ted Stevens, when he was arguing about the net neutrality bill. If you don't know the guy, he is one of the oldest senators in office, and he is from Alaska. He also is the head of the Communications committee, yet he doesn't use e-mail (or as he says internets, you'll get after u watch this video)
This topic maybe somewhat controversial, but I don't believe its out there enough. This topic just fell into my hands perfectly. First off the inspiration of the post is from the news of
The particular ad included a contrasting picture of a caucasian women dressed in white, grabbing the face
"...The minstrel show was an awful chapter in history and this ad smacks of that age and time. It is even further unacceptable that some corporations still think it is okay to use racially charged media images. The latest Sony ad conjures up bad memories of when stereotypical and offensive images of people of color were accepted means of selling a product..."
My whole life, I have been taught and have heard many different sayings (quotes, proverbs, axioms, maxims, adages, whatever you want to call them) for different reasons. See when your young you might not get the proverb at all. An example would be played out like this:
Kid: "Dad, why do I look like Grandpa? "
Dad: "An apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
Kid: "But Dad what does a tree have to do with Grandpa?"
It might just be that I have been deprived of Cable and Satellite that I feel this way, but TV Shows, on cable tv channels are not of quality. Since I have moved to my new home, I have not had satellite because they are a lot of tall trees in our backyard, and we can't get rec
-Lost (ABC)With shows like these to keep you hooked every week, there is no point in cable (and especially no point if you don't have HBO). But maybe its just that I've been deprived for so long and that I'm out of the loop, maybe the cause of this opinion. I must say though after the loss of cable, I actually pick out special shows to watch, rather than flipping through the crap that has taken over TV.
-Smallville (CW)
-Supernatural (CW)
-Veronica Mars (CW)
-Surface (NBC)
-24 (FOX)
This film is so perfectly a candidate for the best movie in the world. Sure, it's not innovative, or revolutionary, it might not even be mind-blowing to some. However after rewatching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade today, I began to ponder and realized it might just be the greatest movie ever...
Wow what a world cup its been. There have been great goals, a lot of cards and a few upsets along the way. Soccer ( or Football as it should be called), is by far the greatest sport in the world, there can be no argument here (I'll argue anyway).
It unifies the world and the world cup is like no other event on the planet, with over 2 million viewers around the world watching the final. The sport is great because its simple: there is one ball, and 22 players on the field. There is no wierd scoring method, unlike basketball and american football, and there are very few rules to remember and follow. The game is simple yet elegant and exciting. The fact that that there are few scoring oppurtunties, like hockey, the sport becomes very exciting. Watching players like Cristiano Ronaldo, Zinedine Zidane, Kaka, and Beckham, the game shows true skill (unlike lets say Shaq, where height and body weight is all that matters). I guess I have proven the greatness of this sport enough, let's move on.The game that most will remember is the quaterfinal game of Brazil vs. France, in which an amazing upset France won 1-0. But don't count the final game out, it will become considerably the most remembered final in the history of the World Cup. There has only been one final in the past World Cups that went to penalty kicks, Brazil vs. Italy in 1994, in which Brazil won, after Roberto Baggio missed his kick. Now this world cup will be remembered in which the match went to penalties, and Zidane missed his kick. Well that and some of the match as well
My family thinks I'm addicted but I just love to listen to podcasts, and TWIT is my favorite one. For those who don't know podcasts are radio shows online, thats the dumbed down definition. It reminds me of the old times (of course i was never alive in the old times) where people sat down around the radio and listened to their favorite radio shows. The great thing about radio is that it is audio, people say that human beings are visual people (not so sure how true that is... I'm pretty sure T.V. has exaggerated this perception if not created it), and I generally agree with this statement. The truth is that whenever you watch T.V. you take in all the visual effects for granted, that is why all new action movies have to have great special effects. A bad movie or T.V. show can get good reviews because of good special effects. That is why there are so many bad quality shows on T.V. To be on radio or have a podcast you have to recieve a good review and have a lot of quality for the same reason. That is why TWIT recieves more than 300,000 downloads in a few days.
Well here it is, I wanted to do a blog for a long time and summer has finally started and opened up some free time. To sum me up in one word... "nerd," but I'm not a geek. This paragraph here is to prove to you how nerdy I am, you see the difference between nerd and geek is hard to determine, because they both represent intelligent, socially handicapped individuals. But you see the difference between the two is that nerds are computer savvy as geeks are not. Getting over that part, I would also like to point out that I'm not socially handicapped just less social than most people, and no I'm not that kid that you used to ( or still do) laugh and make fun of, and make him sit all alone at lunch. Getting all that behind me lets get to a name...