La Copa Mundial
Wow what a world cup its been. There have been great goals, a lot of cards and a few upsets along the way. Soccer ( or Football as it should be called), is by far the greatest sport in the world, there can be no argument here (I'll argue anyway).
It unifies the world and the world cup is like no other event on the planet, with over 2 million viewers around the world watching the final. The sport is great because its simple: there is one ball, and 22 players on the field. There is no wierd scoring method, unlike basketball and american football, and there are very few rules to remember and follow. The game is simple yet elegant and exciting. The fact that that there are few scoring oppurtunties, like hockey, the sport becomes very exciting. Watching players like Cristiano Ronaldo, Zinedine Zidane, Kaka, and Beckham, the game shows true skill (unlike lets say Shaq, where height and body weight is all that matters). I guess I have proven the greatness of this sport enough, let's move on.The game that most will remember is the quaterfinal game of Brazil vs. France, in which an amazing upset France won 1-0. But don't count the final game out, it will become considerably the most remembered final in the history of the World Cup. There has only been one final in the past World Cups that went to penalty kicks, Brazil vs. Italy in 1994, in which Brazil won, after Roberto Baggio missed his kick. Now this world cup will be remembered in which the match went to penalties, and Zidane missed his kick. Well that and some of the match as well

I cannot believe this amazing player would show such unsportsmanlike behavior. I mean headbutting a guy in the chest is completely out of the order, why would you even think of doing something like this in the final of a World Cup, no one knows. For God's sake, he was the captain of his team no way in hell, he should have pulled a stunt like that. To top things off this was Zidane's last game of his International career, what a great way to remembered on your last game. I guess we all had to rethink the facts and realize that he was human after all not some higher being, none the less. it was a horrible move to make.
Well Zidane guess what now you will definately be remembered in World Cup History. "Zidane, the captain of the french team in the 2006 World Cup final, who headbutted a guy, and was ejected from the game, and lost France the cup." And by comical renderings, such as the one above...
I don't believe he will come back internationally, but I hope we get this cleared up. Zidane didn't head but Materazzi for nothing ( or let's hope that atleast), Materazzi had to have provoked him, by insulting him somehow.
Whatever happened, it was wrong for him to do that. I stopped supporting France as soon as I saw that. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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