July 09, 2006

Not an Alternative

Well here it is, I wanted to do a blog for a long time and summer has finally started and opened up some free time. To sum me up in one word... "nerd," but I'm not a geek. This paragraph here is to prove to you how nerdy I am, you see the difference between nerd and geek is hard to determine, because they both represent intelligent, socially handicapped individuals. But you see the difference between the two is that nerds are computer savvy as geeks are not. Getting over that part, I would also like to point out that I'm not socially handicapped just less social than most people, and no I'm not that kid that you used to ( or still do) laugh and make fun of, and make him sit all alone at lunch. Getting all that behind me lets get to a name...

Well "Shift + Tab" came about with lots of help from other people (Thanks to M and my brother). We were fooling around with names and Alt + Tab came up, but there had to be some meaning behind the name, you see people don't want to "alternate to tab"( By the way Tab is my nickname) but people want "shift to Tab," you see there is a difference. Instead of being an alternative to something you want to do, you want to shift to my blog and thats what you intended to do in the first place. (I think I might have lost some people here, I'm pretty confused myself.)

So here it is "Shift + Tab," hope you have fun reading... enjoy


At 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting entry; I never knew the difference between nerd and geek. I guess I know which one i'm not. lol Just remember one day the nerds will get all the girls.(if you don't mind gold diggers lol)Seriously speaking, I don't think either really exists Today.Perhaps they are even stereotypes .

At 3:11 PM, Blogger MCMLXXXII said...

There is many confusion regarding the difference between a geek and a nerd. one good place to look is http://web.vee.net/stuff/geek-vs-nerd.html or you can look it up on wikipedia here.

I would prefer the word Neophile (this term doesn't just refer to trinity).

At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the difference between a nerd and a geek is that a nerd has more RAM, and a faster processor


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