Another flaw in our government??
Okay so Israel has outrageously attacked Lebanon this past week, over 2 kidnappings of Israeli soldiers. The death toll in Lebanon has now reached 230, and over 400 other innocent civilians have been wounded so far. In no way does this seem just, invading another nation over an kidnapping/attack that killed a few of your soldiers and your nation goes out and kills more innocent people (Well we've seen something similar from the U.S.'s actions already). As Mahatma Ghandi once said:
"An eye for an eye and the whole world is blind."This is not a blog on the Middle-East conflict (that's a whole another topic, for another blog), this here is to point out the stupidity of our government. The U.S. sided with Israel's invasion of Lebanon, yet forgot to pull out the American citizens, before the air strikes began. Other nations had already evacuated their citizens out of Lebanon, including the French and the Greek. Is our government so lazy that they can only focus on one topic at a time. I mean there is a

Yes, our government could have been discussing stem cell research for quite some time, but the fact that this was put right into the media, right after the news of the lack of evacuation had surfaced has to be thought about. I might sound a little conspiracy theorist, but doesn't the government always try to hide their mistakes... But back to the evacuation. Our government needs planning in their actions, they have to think and prepare, before they talk. They shouldn't give a verdict without predicting the outcome, and especially when it involves your own citizens harm.
I guess looking at the video of our esteemed head of the senate's communications comittee, it comes as no surprise that our interdepartmental communications are in such a shape today.
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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